Ongoing Ministerial Development & Resources: Church Teachings

OLFF staff curated examples of webinars, articles, and books that may be helpful to those serving as catechetical or youth ministry leaders in parishes.

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Church Teachings

The Creed: A Catechist's Guide - Understanding and Sharing What We Believe

Twenty-Third Publications

Sr. Janet Schaeffler, OP provides tools for developing theological and personal understanding of the eight statements in the Creed and offers a wealth of information, including historical and biblical background, plus reflection questions, meditations, prayers, and activity ideas.

Lectio Divina and the 5 Questions that will Transform All Religious Education

Ave Maria Press Webinar

Jared Dees gives five different questions to ask as you and your class learn, meditate, pray, contemplate and act on the Scripture that was read. Ultimately these questions help students to experience genuine encounters with Christ, which renews their desire to read Scripture.

Life Matters to the end of our days  

USCCB bulletin article

"Facts of Faith" highlights Church teachings and appropriate moral responses related Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide, and People in PVS (Persistent Vegetative State)

Unpacking the Universal Church's Recent Work on Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment 

NFCYM Webinar

This four-part series of webinars delves deeper into Pope Francis' post synodal apostolic exhortation "Christus Vivit." The series is broken into key themes such as accompaniment, listening, and vocational discernment.  The facilitators of the discussion draw from their own experiences to help bring about a deeper understanding of what youth and young adults desire from the Catholic Church.