Advent Reflection by Father Rob Lupo

Happy Advent!! Once more we begin a new Liturgical year with this wonderful season...I pray for all of us that we may enter this season of preparation and expectation with open hearts.

Christ’s admonition to ‘watch’ can seem a bit paradoxical. He isn’t suggesting that we all become contemplatives and spend our lives in constant prayer, awaiting his coming again, but we must try and master the paradox of being watchful and vigiilant in the midst of our lives. To bring another Gospel story to mind, we must do our best to be Martha and Mary all rolled into one.

God asks us to enter into a paradox. He asks us to continue our lives – to continue to decorate – to continue to cook and prepare – to continue to protect ourselves and one another – to slog through the snow that we all know is coming – and still, amidst all of this, to be singing in our hearts “O Come, O Come Emmanuel.”

I can hear it now, “Geez Father, how do you expect us to do all that??!!??” I had a priest professor in seminary that when asked a question like that would reply, "Not Easily!” As we journey through this season, may we ask the Lord to help us each day with our challenges, help us to recognize and be grateful for the blessings, large and small, that come into our lives. May we even be thankful for the hustle and bustle of the holiday season bringing joyous memories and new experiences.