The Season of Lent

Lent, which begins Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Thursday (February 14 - March 28, 2024), is a period of spiritual renewal that helps us prepare for the celebration of the Paschal mystery of Christ—that is, his Passion, death and resurrection. 

The three pillars of the Lenten season are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. By spending time in prayer and in reflection on the Scriptures, through penance and through giving up (sacrificial acts) and giving to others (charitable acts), we look to experience a spiritual reawakening that brings us closer to Christ.

Lent's origins can be traced in part to a short period of fasting and prayer undergone by catechumens / elect, who are preparing for full initiation into the Church at Easter through the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and Eucharist.  The season is a reminder of the great gift of baptism, both the salvation it offers, as well as the challenge that comes with it.  As Pope Francis expressed in his Lenten message, we must "imitate Christ who became poor and enriched us by his poverty."

You will find some resources below to help you in your Lenten journey. Click on any of the lines.

Faith Sharing, Retreats & Scripture Study 

• CRS Lenten Digital Retreat

Parish Faith Sharing Groups & Scripture Study

• Retreats and parish missions in the Diocese of Portland

Prayer Opportunities & Reflections

Prayer Opportunities around the Diocese including churches open for private prayer 

Echoing God's Word Scripture Reflections

• Eucharistic Revival Prayer Companions for the Lenten Season & Sacred Triduum

in English 

in Spanish

EWTN Lenten Reflections

Father Rocky's 40 Lenten Lessons on the Mass - Relevant Radio

Lectio Divina for Lent

• Lent: A season of fasting and feasting - Fr. Wilfred Labbe

Meet me in the Desert - CRS Lenten Prayer

Saints for the Lenten Season

Seven Penitential Psalms and the Songs of the Suffering Servant (USCCB)

Sacrament of Reconciliation

A Brief Examination of Conscience Based on the Ten Commandments

Pastoral exhortation on the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation

Exhortación Pastoral sobre el Sacramento de Penitencia y Reconciliación

The Light is On

Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross in our Diocese

Living Stations of the Cross in our Diocese

• Praying the Stations of the Cross (USCCB website)

Stations of the Cross for Autistic People (External link)

 A Scriptural Way of the Cross for Lent

Stations of the Cross with Bishop Robert Barron (External link)

• Stations of the Cross - Creighton University

Stations of the Cross - CRS Video Reflections

Stations of the Cross for Victims of Human Trafficking

Stations of the Cross for Vocations

About the Season of Lent  

The 40 Days of Lent

Questions and Answers about Lent (USCCB website)

Questions and Answers about Lent (EWTN website)

• Ten things to Remember for Lent (USCCB)


• Ash Wednesday collection for the Church in Eastern and Central Europe

CRS Rice Bowl

• Opportunities in our diocese


Fasting and Abstinence

Prayer for Abstinence - CRS

Prayer of the Wilderness for those who are fasting - CRS

• Reflection on Fasting and Abstinence - USCCB

Pope Francis's Lenten Messages (Vatican website)

• Pope Francis' Lenten Message 2023

• Pope Francis' Lenten Message 2022

• Pope Francis' Lenten Message 2021

• Pope Francis' Lenten Message 2020

Pope Francis' Lenten Message 2019

Pope Francis' Lenten Message 2018

 Pope Francis' Lenten Message 2017

• Pope Francis' Lenten Message 2016

Pope Francis' Lenten Message 2015

• Pope Francis' Ash Wednesday Homily 2023

• Pope Francis' Ash Wednesday Homily 2022

• Pope Francis' Ash Wednesday Homily 2021

Other Resources

Six Ways to Evangelize during Lent (USCCB)