Prison Ministry Frequently Asked Questions

Am I safe in the facilities?

Yes! There are many people in each facility to help keep everyone safe. Onsite guidance and help will be provided by the correctional facility staff to help you.

How can I help if I don’t have any experience or training?

You will be guided in whatever activity you choose to participate. There are written materials available and many people are ready to help you learn what needs to be done so that you feel comfortable.

Why should I help people that have committed crimes?

As Catholics, we respect the [common] humanity and promote the [inherent] dignity of both victims and offenders. We believe society must protect its citizens from violence and crime, [while holding] accountable those who break the law. These same principles lead us to advocate for rehabilitation and treatment for offenders, [because] like victims, their lives reflect that same [God-given] dignity. Both victims and perpetrators of crime are children of God. — U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

Visit the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Responsibility, Rehabilitation, and Restoration: A Catholic Perspective on Crime and Criminal Justice.